The Source
Some days I see no end
To the trials I must bear.
No matter what steps I take,
They catch me unaware.
Yet I try to not let it bother me,
For the answer’s always clear
In the One who gave His life for me
And keeps me ever near.
Creator, Savior, Father, Friend,
You’re this and so much more!
Redeemer, Teacher, Shepherd, Lord!
It’s You that I adore!
With each morning’s rise,
My soul gives thanks to You,
And as I drift into dreams,
I place my trust in You!
For all I have, and all I am,
Begins and ends with You,
And all that I will ever be
Draws from the heart of You!
Creator, Savior, Father, Friend,
You’re all this and oh, so much more!
Redeemer, Teacher, Shepherd, Lord!
It’s You that I live for! It’s You that I live for!
I’m humbled by the times
I’ve fallen to despair,
Lusts that drain my life,
Anger so prone to flare.
Yet I stand forgiven
Within Your loving care,
A gift I don’t deserve,
Yet never shows its wear!
Creator, Savior, Father, Friend,
You’re all this and oh, so much more!
Redeemer, Teacher, Shepherd, Lord!
It’s You that I adore! It’s You that I adore!
— Words and music copyright
September 2014, Kirby Lee Davis