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Available in Kindle, paperback, and full-color hardcover!

This is a rarity in modern literature: two novels published at the same time on the same subject by the same author, with wildly different styles and contexts.


One could be compared to a Pixar or Disney tale, the other a collection of watercooler anecdotes or newspaper comic strips in written form.

The illustrated novel God's Furry Angels — now available in a second edition with Kindle, paperback, and hardcover formats — reveals the playful antics of Bridget, a wide-eyed kitten growing up in a budding American family. Seen through the eyes of two newlyweds, an aging pet shop caretaker, a scarred street survivor, and that curious, irrepressible feline, God’s Furry Angels explores the adventures that refine us, the temptations that divide us, and the divine will that binds us all together. The novel enhances its engaging coming-of-age saga with numerous photographs by author Kirby Lee Davis. The ebook features one or more per chapter, while the printed editions offer one image with nearly every turn of the page – the paperback in black and white, the hardcover in full color. These photos help make God’s Furry Angels a satisfying tale for all ages. Initial reviews praised this novel as "timeless... a pure delight... simply beautiful.” 

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A Year in the Lives of God's Furry Angels, a parallel novel to God's Furry Angels, sets traditional narrative aside for a daily diary of life-shaping escapades. This illustrated calendar weaves together events that take place before, during, and after those shared in God's Furry Angels, using an easy-to-read style that augments its sourcebook while providing entertaining sagas all its own. These tales range from outlandish pranks to heartfelt passion, many brought to life in this second edition by more than 100 photos, drawings, graphics, and cartoons by author Kirby Lee Davis and artist Nancy Clay — almost 10 times those published in the original release!

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Hardcover edition
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Paperback edition
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Kindle edition
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