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Kick back, relax, and enjoy a video!

Sample Reviews of God's Furry Angels

This video highlights book reviews for the illustrated novel God's Furry Angels by Kirby Lee Davis.

A Heartfelt Review of God's Furry Angels 

Watch this short video to see how God's Furry Angels helped one reader cope with a beloved pet's death. This moving video reprints a review by Kathryn Norris.

The Felines of God's Furry Angels, Take One!

This is the first of three videos studying catography taken for the books God's Furry Angels and A Year in the Lives of God's Furry Angels, all by Kirby Lee Davis. 

The Felines of God's Furry Angels, Take Two!

Another helping of images taken for these two books.

The Felines of God's Furry Angels, Take Three!

Enjoy a third sampling of photographs taken for the books God's Furry Angels and A Year in the Lives of God's Furry Angels, all by the author!

The Canines of God's Furry Angels!

Meet the two intrepid dogs who lent their images for use in our books!

The Squirrels of God's Furry Angels!

Take a look at photos taken by author and photographer Kirby Lee Davis to capture the spirit of Edna the Squirrel,

a mother figure to the park animals in his books.

Gazing Within the Pictures

OK, this really has little to do with God's Furry Angels, but it's fun! And if you study the video, you may see some background textures in GFA graphics.

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