Songs of Purpose, by Kirby Lee Davis
The Journey
You’re born into a world
Where creativity’s swirled
And everyone’s encouraged to grow.
So you stretch out your wings
And display so many things,
Yet even friends walk out of your show.
You want to cry,
And you wonder why,
Yet you know that you have to go on.
For you feel the urge
To let your soul surge
And discover what jewels it will spawn.
There’s a man at the bar
Who collects dreams in a jar
And he nods as if he understands.
He proposes a quest,
If you’re up to the test,
To seek answers in far away lands.
You fear to try,
And you wonder why,
Yet you know that you must take this chance.
For there’s so much to learn
Throughout this sojourn
Before you partake your last dance.
Each step that you dare
Brings a challenge to bear,
Revealing more you didn’t know.
And just when you think
That you’re lost at the brink
God points out a new way to go.
You whisper a sigh,
And you wonder why,
Yet you know that you must see this through.
For fulfillment, it seems,
Lies not in your dreams,
But the journey that broadens your view.
For this world, in the end,
Doesn’t call you a friend,
Just a link in the passage of time.
And the role that you played
Charts no wealth that you made
But the love that you gave in your prime.
You may want to cry,
But you won’t wonder why,
For the truth of this can’t be denied.
That this life that you drew
Was not centered on you,
But the ones who stayed by your side.
— Copyright February 2015,
Kirby Lee Davis

The Gift
Born of love as a gift to the world,
Bound to die, crushed by sins unfurled.
I never thought I could cause such sorrow.
But that’s because I didn’t think of tomorrow.
Strung along by ambition’s passion,
I fell from grace, as was my fashion.
But I thank God for His lasting ardor,
To save a soul in need of a Savior.
Oh precious Lord! I will ever rejoice
That You gave Your son, with His wondrous choice
To lay down His life from His blessed birth
And cleanse our sin from all the earth.
Born of love as a gift to the world,
Bound to die, crushed by sins unfurled.
And on the third day, He lifted our sorrow
And gave us all hope to live for tomorrow.
Oh precious Lord! I will ever rejoice
For the gift of Your Son, and His loving choice
To lay down His life and set me free
From my bonds of sin for eternity!
— Copyright November 2014,
Kirby Lee Davis
Live Love Lies
She stares at his face, not offering a word
To the man whose love now seems so absurd.
She can't say why, yet everything he tries
Burns on her heart like a blister in disguise.
And so live the lies of their loves.
And so live the loves of their lies.
He meets her gaze, yet finds not one clue
That tells why his touch now seems so taboo.
He can't say why, yet everything she does
Twists his very soul like those torrid dramas.
And so lie the loves of their lives.
And so lie the lives of their loves.
Before others they pretend there's nothing wrong
Yet inside they know this can't last too long.
And so they choke on each other's exhaust
Fearing to look upon just what they've lost.
And so love the lies of their lives.
And so love the lives of their lies.
A stumbled thought makes her blink,
Reminding him of a treasured wink
And spurs a smile from long ago
That sparks embers of a beloved glow.
Together they recall all those days
Of laughs and prayers and hugs and praise,
And for a brief moment they look beyond
All the silt of bitterness that tests their bond.
But in seeing again how once they lived,
Not for themselves, but as God, to give,
They recognize how they lost sight
Of the things that brought them such delight.
Still the lures and lusts of this tempting world
Pull ever so strong on old barbs they've hurled,
Churning up that silt to cloud their views
And bury them anew in all that refuse.
And so live the lies of their loves.
And so lie the loves of their lives.
And so love the lives of their lies.
— Copyright June 2013,
Kirby Lee Davis

The Little Things
Sometimes I can't see
What hope's left for me
Throbbing pain blinds my eyes
And leaves my heart paralyzed
Frozen in misery,
I pray selfishly
And fail to learn what confronts me
Is just an opportunity
Then, when I lose my steam,
I hear the birds sweetly sing
I feel the warmth of the sun
And see a new day just begun
Shamefully I realize
That God has never left my side
With a joy that fills my soul
I recognize He has control
Even with the little things
Especially with the little things.
— Copyright September 2012,
Kirby Lee Davis

Why Go It Alone?
Come, come, my friend, and open up your eyes
To wonders of creation your heart ever denies.
Since birth the blind have led you deep in the abyss,
Spurred by self-ambition instead of Heaven's bliss.
But Christ still walks beside you, at your beck and call,
Ready to share the burdens that you will befall.
Why go it alone? Why go it alone?
You seek to fight your battles, believing worldly ways,
Instead of asking God for help through this earthly maze.
In your pride you've never learned to be content
With all the blessings Christ bestows for your intent.
Peace and mercy can be yours if you will abide
In the grace you'll find ever at His side.
Salvation's knocking at your door.
Salvation's knocking at your door.
Why go it alone? Why go it alone?
— Copyright December 2013, Kirby Lee Davis
The Aimless Generations
Lost without a reason,
I have been sifting my mind looking for a way out
Can't find a seam or pattern to unravel these doubts!
But that's been the roadmap of this life,
Traveling all around with no place to go.
Expecting things to all work out on their own,
Like all others I know.
It's the aimless generation,
Living day by day, never putting our faith
In our heritage, our horizons, or our hearts.....oh, no no!
It can't be our cause if it didn't come from us!
It can't be a thing that we would ever dare trust.
Religion's just a scam, corruption's everywhere,
And this world, it's crumbling into dust.
The only thing that's certain is uncertainty.
The only thing that matters is ourselves.
We didn't make these problems!
It shouldn't fall on us!
You say these things enough,
And you can make yourself believe it.
You close your eyes hard enough,
And you can stop yourself from seeing it.
You shut out things you don't want to know,
And pretty soon you're letting go
Of your chance to make a difference!
Of your chance to find yourself!
Lost without a reason,
I have been sitting on my mind looking for a way out.
Can't find a seam or pattern to unravel these doubts!
But that's been the roadmap of this life,
Traveling all around with no place to go.
Expecting things to all work out on their own!
It's the aimless generation,
Living day by day, never putting our faith
In our heritage, our horizons, or our hearts!
It can't be our cause if it didn't come from us!
It can't be a thing that we would ever dare trust!
Religion's just a scam, corruption's everywhere,
And this world, it's crumbling into dust.
— Copyright April 2013, Kirby Lee Davis